Official web site: Born in 1973, started playing the piano at age of seven. Studied with Michel PETRUCCIANI's father, Tony PETRUCCIANI. At 15 he starts to play with various groups in the south of France. At 18 he studies at the "Centre Musical et Créatif de NANCY" where he gets his diploma with Special Mention. One year after he will teach improvisation, harmony and Latin music in this school. In 1992 he takes part in the album of Diego IMBERT "Ametys" with Louis WINSBERG, Eric SEVA, Franck AGULHON etc. He occurs regularly in Germany, Luxembourg, Czech Rep. with "BRIEGEL BROS BAND", with which he records the album "Voyage en Eaux Troubles" in 1993. He occupies the piano chair in the "Orchestre Regional de Jazz en Lorraine". In this context he plays with Denis LELOUP, Francois JEANNEAU, Jean-Loup LONGNON, Phil ABRAHAM… In 1995 he wins the first prize at the International Piano competition of Toulon. Among the musicians in the jury are Kenny BARRON, Tommy FLANAGAN, Danilo Perez. He gets articles in DOWN BEAT (USA), JAZZ HOT (France). His group "TRYO Pierre-Alain GOUALCH" wins the second prize at the "Concours de Jazz de la Défense". In May 1996 he plays in Luxembourg with Claudio RODITTI, John ALLMARK, Joe GIORGIANNI, Erny HAMMES, Jean-Louis RASSINFOSSE, Franck AGULHON.
In July 1996 he becomes member of the "Onztet de Violon Jazz" created by Didier LOCKWOOD with Daniel YVINEC and
Franck AGULHON. The
same year one can hear him with DJ Dee Nasty in festival AFRICOLOR. At this occasion he is invited with his trio by Martial SOLAL, in the emission "Surprises of Martial SOLAL" on the French National Radio. This same year, in its numero devoted to the "New talents" (April 1997) the revue JAZZMAN classifies him among the 35 international pianists most promising of the moment. Since he play regularly with his Tryo and today at 27 he is considered as one of the most promising pianist in jazz field .
In 1999, he occurs with André CECCARELLI (battery) and Remy VIGNOLO (double bass). This meeting leads to the recording of the album "Exploring the Music of Serge Gainsbourg" (Night Bird) published in 2001. In 2000, recording in New York of an album for Erny HAMMES with Diego IMBERT, Franck AGULHON, Bob MINTZER, Lew SOLLOFF, Pierrick PEDRON and Franck SPANIOL. He finishes the album, "The Piano, Inside And Outside" (acoustic sounds with prepared piano and advanced techniques of digital processing), and the CD of the singer Aurélia O Leary and co-products the album of the bass player Daniel YVINEC: "Recycling The Future". In 2000 he records with the singer Valerie GRASCHAIRE, an homage to Thelonious Monk, "Honky Monk Woman" (with EMD Dist. Musea) published in May 2001. In 2003 December, he records "TIKIT" an album in DUET with the drummer Franck Agulhon (with EMD). Discography: 1992 - AMETYS of Diego IMBERT (EMD 9301) 1993 - BRINDILLE of Laurent GIANEZ (self –production) 1994 - VOYAGE EN EAUX TROUBLES of BRIEGEL Bros. Band (EMD 9401) 1994 - OPALE de Diego IMBERT (EMD 9501) 1996 - Pascal PARISOT (Why Notes Production) 1997 - VOICI MA MAIN (EMD 9701) 1999 - ANGUSTIA DI AMOR (ORJL 002) 2000 - STEP WISE of Ernie HAMMES 5 TET (self – production) 2001 - PROVISOIRE of Aurelia O’LEARY (self – production) 2001 - HONKY MONK WOMAN (EMD 0001) 2001 - EXPLORING THE MUSIC OF SERGE GAINSBOURG (Night Bird Music) 2001 - THE PIANO INSIDE AND OUTSIDE (CELP) 2003 - ON MY MIND of Roland GEBHARDT (Jazz’n Arts LC 11171) 2003 - RECYCLING THE FUTURE of YVINEC (RCA Victor BMG) 2004 - TIKIT (EMD 0401) |